About us

Local action group (LAG) Bura

Get a move on, I’ll be the wind beneath your back

Local Action Group (LAG) Bura, was established on 25 October 2011 in order to prepare the introduction of local self-government with the LEADER program for rural development, as well as the principle of sustainable rural development.  LAG “Bura” was created under new leadership and new headquarters on 01.05.2015. The work of LAG “Bura” is in accordance with the measures and goals contained in the  ZPP Program of Rural Development of the Republic of Croatia 2023-2027. LAG Bura is actively involved in  LEADER implementation to  nine local government units: town of Obrovac and municipalities Jasenice, Novigrad, Poličnik, Posedarje, Ražanac, Starigrad, Vrsi and Zemunik Donji.

The asocciation was established and acts on the principles of LEADER programme (Liaison Entre Action de Développement de l’Economie Rurale) which is a European Union initiative that supports projects in rural development on a local level in order to revitalise  rural areas.

LAG Bura was established as a civil society organization and a partnership between local governments, civil sector and public sector with a joint aim of sustainable rural development in regards to industrial, commercial, social, environmental and cultural development.

LAG Bura is located in Zadar County in the central part of Dalmatia. County of Zadar borders with Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, Šibenik-Knin County and Lika-Senj County. LAG area covers  ​​1 015,6 square kilometres equalling to 28% of the total area of ​​Zadar County. According to the census from 2021 LAG Bura has 23.714 inhabitants (14.71% of the total population).

LAG Bura ensured 1.741.075,99 EUR-os for the 2023-2027 programme.  for rural development of its area in order to support local agriculture, farmers, small businesses and municipalities. Our objectives are: supporting agriculture, promoting local products and trades, promoting tourism, transferring knowledge, branding local products and development of our rural area. LAG Bura is actively working on international projects to promote agriculture, local and traditional products and to enable quality of life and development.

Ana Mamić, LL.M., Manager of LAG “Bura” (+385 99 4735-341)

Josip Šare, bacc.ing.agr, Deputy Manager (+385 99 4735-340)

Vladimir Dedić, mag.oec. spec. f&b, President of LAG “Bura”

Previous Presidency: http://www.lagbura.hr/en/predsjednistvo-lag-a/