January 16, 2019 Local Action Group “Bura” announced the LAG tender from the Local Development Strategy of the LAG for Operation Type 2.1.1. “Construction and reconstruction of public infrastructure in order to improve the quality of life in the LAG”, which is in accordance with the Operation Type 7.4.1. from the Rural Development Program of the Republic of Croatia 2014-2020.
Applications are submitted from 15 February 2019 until 15 April 2019.
The total amount of funds available on this competition is 2,020,895.00 HRK.
The lowest grant amount per project holder is EUR 15,000.00 and the maximum amount of support is EUR 30,000.00. Total value of the project can not exceed 100.000,00 EUR. During this contest one
(same) project holder may submit a maximum of two project submissions for a different type of eligible project. As part of this Call for Proposals, grants may be awarded for a maximum of two reported projects from the area of one (s)
units of local self-government only if it is about signing up for different projects, regardless of whether they are one or two different project holders.
Eligible project holders are: a unit of local self-government; a majority holding company of local self-government units; a nonprofit public institution whose founders are local self-government units, apart from public fire brigades, local and regional development agencies, kindergartens; an association that deals with humanitarian and social activities of particular interest to the local population and whose activities are in line with the target groups and the classification of the activities of the association, associations with acceptable investments in the area (excluding local action groups, associations of communities, foundations, foundations); a religious community that has an organizational form at the local level and deals with humanitarian and social activities of particular interest to the local population; and local action a group selected within the Program.
The aid intensity is:
a) up to 80% of the total eligible project costs in the area
of local self-government units that are classified in VII. and VIII. group
b) up to 90% of the total eligible costs of the project being carried out in the area
of local self-government units classified in V and VI. group (Starigrad,
Vrsi, Novigrad, Posedarje, Zemunik Donji, Poličnik, Ražanac)
c) up to 100% of the total project eligible costs implemented in the area of local self-government unit classified in I, II, III. and IV. group (Obrovac).
Potential applicants are asked to submit any questions about the LAG tender to the e-mail address: lagbura@gmail.com. LAG will send questions and answers on the LAG website (www.lagbura.hr) in order to allow transparent and equal treatment of all applicants.
For the purpose of informing and preparing potential applicants at the LAG tender for T.O. 2.1.1. “Construction and reconstruction of public infrastructure for the purpose of improving the quality of life in the LAG” workshop will be held on January 24, 2019, starting at 12 noon, at the premises of the Municipality of Zemunik Donji (Street I, No. 16, 23222 Zemunik Donji).
LAG tender:
Obrazac B. Plan nabave – Tablica troškova i izračuna potpore
Prilog I – Dokumentacija za podnošenje prijave projekta
Prilog II – Lista prihvatljivih troškova
Prilog III- tablični dio-Izračun diskontiranog neto prihoda
Prilog IV – Uputa za prikupljanje ponuda i provedbu postupaka jednostavne nabave
Prilog VI – Izjava nositelja projekta o nemogućnosti odbitka pretporeza
Prilog VII – Izjava o statusu nositelja projekta temeljem Zakona o javnoj nabavi
Prilog IX. – Pojašnjenje kriterija odabira
Prilog X- Natura 2000 – Lokacije i postotci površine u Zadarskoj županiji