On September 4, 2023, the Local Action Group “Bura” announces the LAG tender from the Local Development Strategy of the LAG, for Operation Type 2.1.1. “Construction and reconstruction of public infrastructure for the purpose of improving the quality of life in the area of LAG”, which corresponds to Operation Type 7.4.1. from the Rural Development Program of the Republic of Croatia 2014-2020.
When submitting a project application, the project holder must submit a tender
documentation from Annex I of this Tender.
The minimum amount of public support is EUR 15.000,00.
The highest total value of the project is EUR 250.000,00 (including VAT)
The maximum amount of public support per project is EUR 37.500,00.
Total amount of funding is 112.500,00 EUR-os.
Support funds are provided from the budget of the European Union and the state budget of the Republic
of Croatia, of which the European Union participates with 90%, while the Republic of Croatia with 10%.
Project applications are submitted in one (1) sealed package/envelope, exclusively registered
by post Based on the decision of Management Board on October 27, 2023, the tender application deadline is extended until November 15, 2023.
Petar Zoranić 61
23243 Maslenica, Jasenice
Support intensity for the type of operation T.O.2.1.1. “Construction and reconstruction of public infrastructure
for the purpose of improving the quality of life in the area of the LAG” depends on the classification of the units
local self-government in accordance with the Decision on the classification of local and district (regional) units
self-government according to the level of development (Official Gazette No. 132/17) from Annex VIII. of this Competition and amounts to:
a) up to 80% of the total eligible costs of the project carried out in the area of the unit
local self-government, which is classified in VII. and VIII. group
b) up to 90% of the total eligible costs of the project implemented in the area of the unit
local self-government, which is classified into V. and VI. group
c) up to 100% of the total eligible costs of the project implemented in the area
local self-government units classified into I., II., III. and IV. group.
Workshop will be held in Posedarje on September 11, 2023 at 11 am (Trg Martina Posedarskog 1, 23242 Posedarje).
v1.4._Nacrt_LAG_natječaj_TO_7.4.1._LRS LAG
Obrazac B. Plan nabave Tablica troškova i izračuna potpore
Prilog I – Dokumentacija za podnošenje prijave projekta
Prilog II – Lista prihvatljivih troškova
Prilog IV. – Uputa za prikupljanje ponuda
Prilog VI – Izjava nositelja projekta o nemogućnosti odbitka pretporeza
Prilog VII – Izjava o statusu nositelja projekta temeljem Zakona o javnoj nabavi