Main objective of this project was to find and test an effective way of education for councilors and social service providers which are the primary target group. The project was built on the analysis of problems and needs that we have defined in LAG „Bura“’s area in 2014, when we formulated our Local Development Strategy.
Project was awarded the prize of the Centre for International Cooperation in Education (DZS, Czech Republic’s NA) for the best international project of 2019 in Adult Education under Erasmus+.
LAG Bura successfully finished Erasmus+ cooperation project „Education of decision-makers and social services providers – quality in care“ with Mistni akcni skupina svateho Jana z Nepomuku (Czech Republic) and Syndicate de Lorge (France).
Activities and methodology which we applied in the project:
- Short-term joint staff training event
Used methods: Baseline study, visual facilitation, work in national group, mind maps
- Blended mobility
Used methods: Work in national and international group, facilitation, mind maps, empowerment, shared examples of good practice)
- Workshops in participating countries
Used methods: Work in national and international group, facilitation, mind maps, empowerment, shared examples of good practice, video recording)
- Creating video documentary (Cz, Fr, Cro)
- Creating a set of recommendations on the topic “How to provide social services in rural communities”
- Creating paper brochures
- Evaluation
Participants gained skills that are essential for the analysis the needs of the population and for the efficient providing of social services. They will look for the new approaches in the field of social development in terms of sustainability.
Partner organizations (because of their collaboration with the target group) can become initiators of community planning in municipalities and rural areas. Partner organizations in this project will strengthen its position as educators of rural leaders.
By implementation of the project and by using the results we expect better access to social services and sustainable solutions to social problems.
Due to Europe’s demographic situation and the rapid aging of the population in rural areas, the number of potential clients of social services could increase. Thanks to our project and other educational activities and thanks to mutual cooperation, our target group can respond well the demographic changes.
Our project started cooperation between project organizations and the target group. It will educated and motivated key decision makers our the region to seek and accept sustainable solutions. That will lead to social development and social inclusion of residents in need. Sustainability of partnership will be realized through international cooperation projects at LAG level, through international cooperation in other common fields (agriculture, sustainability of natural resources, education of youth, tourism).
Project coordinator for LAG Bura is Ana Mamić, LL.M., Manager of Local Action group “Bura” who was also a facilitator of seminars in Croatia and Czech republic.