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About us
LAG Presidency
Local food to kindergarten
Doors to Europe
Exotic plant cultivation to help fight climate issues Vrsi 20&21 st of August
Rural Flavours
Sort and Recycle (Razvrstaj i Recikliraj)
Voćni Trg INA d.d. Zeleni Pojas
Network of Family Farms
Development of sustainable nature tourism on the example of Croatia
Birds in nature (Birdwatching for children)
Ražanac My Home
Revitalisation of the lake Vlačine
LAG tenders
T.O 1.1.1. Support for investments in herb production
T.O.1.1.2. Support for investments in cattle production
Construction and reconstruction of public infrastructure in order to improve the quality of life in the LAG area T.O.2.1.1.
Construction and reconstruction of public infrastructure in order to improve the quality of life in the LAG area T.O.2.1.1. 14th of January 2020
Support for Investments in Physical Assets for Plant and Livestock Production
T.O. 1.2.1. Investment in increasing the productivity and competitiveness of the LAG area
7th LAG tender T.O.1.1.1.Support for Investments in Physical Assets for Plant and Livestock Production
8th LAG tender “Construction and reconstruction of public infrastructure in order to improve the quality of life in LAG area ”
9.LAG tender T.O.1.1.1. “Support for investments in physical property for plant and livestock production”
10th LAG tender 2.1.1. “Construction and reconstruction of public infrastructure in order to improve the quality of life in the LAG area”
From the Media
T.O.1.1.2. Support for investments in cattle production
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